Thursday, October 18, 2012

Prayers taken from "Devotions and Prayers of John Calvin"

Grant, Almighty God, that as we are prone to every kind of wickedness and are easily led away to imitate it, when there is any excuse for going astray and any opportunity is offered, O grant, that being strengthened by the help of they spirit, we may continue in purity of faith, and that what we have learnt concerning thee, that thou art a Spirit, may so profit us, that we may worship thee in spirit, and with a sincere heart, and never turn aside after the corruptions of the world, nor think we can deceive thee; but may we so devote our souls and our bodies to thee, that our life may in every part of it testify, that we are a pure and holy sacrifice to thee in 
Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen.

Grant, Almighty God, that as thou shiniest on us by thy word, we may not be blind at midday, nor willfully seek darkness, and thus lull our minds asleep: but may we be roused daily by thy words, and may we stir up ourselves more and more to fear thy name and thus present ourselves and all our pursuits, as a sacrifice to thee, that thou mayest peaceably rule, and perpetually dwell in us, until thou gather-est us to thy celestial habitation, where there is reserved for us eternal rest and glory through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.